
Weirdness Development Training

Welcome WEIRDOS!!! This is your safe space to TEST YOUR LIMITS, Share your shadows, UNLEASH your unique ESSENCE, Be WiLD, be Free, be CraZy, be ImPulsIve! LOsE YoUR SHitttttt!!! You see… everyone is doing personal development. But not enough people are doing WEIRDNESS Development. Personal development is only HALF the Read more…

Dance Improvisation Games

“Dance improvisation is the process of spontaneously creating movement.” (That’s it!) A lot of improvisation is focused on finding a deeper way of comprehending otherwise concealed thoughts or feelings of an individual. Through the emphasis of instinctual, unpredictable, free movement, the mover is able to explore authentic feelings and inspirations.” ~~<3 Read more…

Embodied Fertility Arts

tit Embodied Fertility Arts  hosts workshops on Women’s Health using Art, Ritual, Myth, Writing and Movement. In circle, we discuss  Birth, Sex, Fertility Tracking, Herbs, Menstruation, Body Positivity, the Natural World and our Spiritual Connection. In our workshops, we utilize the  Women’s Mysteries to help us understand womanhood in an embodied way. Read more…

FaeTerra Newsletter