“The Divine Feminine knows that a birth demands a death,
and the personal self sometimes has to die if the world is to be made sacred.”
~ Sally Kempton
~~~ ⭐️
Dear Atreyu, I died the day you were born.
And my “death” ~ was my greatest fear!
Because before you, I thought my purpose ~ was to live for myself.
… But I knew~ That when you came~ I would loose myself. And, just as I predicted.
This last year~ I’ve only existed to ensure that you survive and thrive.
… Im learning how to let myself go… And as I do~ Your life has become my life.
I am present, and patient and humble…
With every tantrum.
With Every diaper change.
With Every piece of food you throw on the floor.
Because through letting my life go… I am growing exponentially!
I am learning that who “I am” is …. unraveling… And a new “me” will be created again.
… I believe Motherhood is the greatest personal development journey there is!
Marriage is a close second.
Atreyu, Thank you for initiating me, and believing I am worthy of this rite of passage.
Thank you for making me a mama!