Long ago,
The Virgin Priestess was a leader of the community, and she belonged fully to herself.
She was a whore and also “whole.” Both of these things were seen in high regard.
She was married to the community, and she governed through her advanced site.
As a whore, or a priestess who utilizes sexuality for healing purposes~
She was educated in Sexual rites, and she would perform lovemaking in rituals to bless the lands or to heal men wounded in war.
This blog post is meant to expand our modern day perspective on the whore:
The word whore originates from ‘Horus’ the god of the sun,
there used to be the women of Horus, the same with the ladies of the rose or Mary Magdalenes,
who would open, awaken and initiate people into the higher inner realms associated with the sun at their temples thru tantra … they used to wear clothes with a special symbol over there heart which signified that they had ‘given’ their life over to the sun god and that they were the sacred sisters/lovers of the sun, this is where the idea of the scarlet letter comes in, but with a more twisted meaning later on, with it being used against the sisters instead of the sisters being honored as intermediaries to the gates of the being of the sun …
Horae : Multi Cultural, Known in Persia as “houris”, in Egypt as “Ladies of the Hour”, in Babylon as “harines”.
Semetics called them “whores” after Hor (meaning a hole) who was the ancestress of the Horites.
In Greece the Horae were Aphrodite’s celestial nymphs, who performed the Dances of the Hours,
acted as midwives to the Gods and inspired earthly Horae (harlot priestesses) to train men in Sexual Mysteries.
The dance the hora was based on the priestesses’ imitation of the zodiacal circling of “hours”.
Time-keeping is known as horology because of the systems devised by these ancient priestesses of the Goddess.
The Horae were called “fair ones, begetters of all things, who in appointed order bring on day and night, summer and winter, so as to make months and years grow full.”
The Vestal Virgins serving in the temples of Vesta and Hestia in Greece and Rome were originally harlot-priestesses.
The temples of Aphrodite at Eryx, Corinth and Cyprus were served by a thousand sacred harlots apiece.
The promiscuous priestess-shamans of Japan were called Holy Mothers.
Every Babylonian woman prostituted herself in the temple before marriage.
The original meaning of the word prostitute is “unmarried woman”. (Women’s Encyclopedia of Myths and Secrets. . .Walker, B.)
The word Whore means “Hole” and it was derived from the ancient times of the Goddess it was a word used to describe those who could create a portal to the universe.
The Dakini was the sacred Whore.
Of course as with all words, symbology and animals associated with the Goddess it got lost in translation.
And deemed evil and negative.
There is a lecture you can watch by William Henry called, “Stairway to Heaven” it is about the lineage of Mary Magdalene and Isis the keepers to the Holy Grail.
The reclamation of such words as “bitch” “cunt” “slut” and “whore” has been a long process, especially over the last many decades.
So many women still allow themselves to but hurt and controlled by these words, and still hurt each other with them. Recently I witness a girl in absolute duress over being called a “slut”.
She claimed that the woman that insulted her is known to be an escort,
which seemed to make the insult feel much worse to her.
She (a go go dancer) compared herself as superior to the escort and to strippers and other sex workers, ”
I don’t dance in thongs. I’m not sliding on a pole and grinding on people’s laps!”
I find it interesting that so often women still fall into this kind of rhetoric,
“At least I’m not (fill in the blank of shameful behavior)”.
We put ourselves into hierarchies trying to make ourselves feel better, but as we do this we demonize our sisters.
I wanted to say to this girl, “And what if you were a slut? What if you were a stripper.
There’s nothing wrong with any of that either. What she calls you doesn’t matter, its her harming intention that is wrong.”
** Whore: A woman who experiences her sexuality outside of the realms defined by men and the predominant attitude of society. In other words, whore can be defined as a woman who defines herself. **