“Follow your bliss. If you follow your bliss… the life you ought to be living is the one you are living… Don’t be afraid and doors will open where you didn’t know they were going to be. In fact, doors will open for you that wouldn’t have opened for anyone else.” ~ Joseph Campbell
~ I’m an Artistic Mystic ~
* a Creative Seer *
I create art projects and community experiences that change the way we see our life, our relationships, and how we understand ourselves.

I’m here to make your life a little more MAGICKAL &
much more CoLOrFuL
Whether it be changing our perception around “What to Wear”
with FaeTerra Clothing: Woven Between Worlds (Coming soon)
or how we relate to Birth, Sex and Death
with The RED THREAD Project and my other intimate groups
My art creates new realities
I infuse ideals of “the Goddess,”
Magick, community, unity and personal freedom into what I do.
OurRedTent is my most well known project, helping women learn their “Women’s Mysteries.”
Our movement was 23,000 women world wide.

The first step in my artistic process is
to deeply Investigate Myself.
In connecting with my unconscious,
I can bring out the spirit that transforms others.
Most people are afraid to share what lies beneath,
but usually, it is the gateway to freedom and an access point to the soul.

I’m also a Mother! And a Wife.
I’m dedicated to creating meaningful family experiences, not just for my family but for yours too!
Gathering For Holidays and Celebrating with Art is one of my favorite things, and your invited to join us!

Click on FaeTerra Experiences,
to come to one of my community projects meant to inspire.
At my ROOT I’m a devotee to the Goddess & it’s through HER wisdom and my creativity that Ive built FAETERRA ~ a place to inspire *Magick on Earth.*