“It doesn’t matter HOW you gave birth, what matters is that YOU DID!”

To all the mothers who birthed at home ~ YOU did it!

To all the mamas who birthed in the hospital~ YOU did it!

And to all the mothers who birthed unexpectedly or traumatically~ YOU did it!

~ ⭐️ 🌙

No matter HOW you gave birth~
all women go through a similar initiation as they enter motherhood.

There will be a death, a transformation, and a re-emergence.

According to myth,
The maiden to mother initiation is a hero’s journey.

And birth is a Rite of Passage in which we shed our maiden form, and through a series of trials, emerge as our mother selves.

The ancients understood this.
And they created rituals to help the people navigate life transitions.

~ ⭐️

The Red Thread reminds us that all women are connected to each other. We are mirrors with similar stories ~ linked through our births, our ancestral lines and our “HERstory” as women.

For me personally,
I’ve been studying myth for as long as I can remember & I have been teaching the women’s mysteries for over 12 years.

In myth, and especially in the women’s mysteries, life is cyclical. We enter periods of darkness in order to transform.

The darkness is MYSTERY. It’s the unknown.
We are uncertain of what will happen and who we will become.

We can embrace the journey—>
By sharing with each other vulnerably in circle!
By doing rituals to prepare ourselves for transformation!
By Celebrating each other!
By Surrendering to the mystery!
& By nurturing ourselves in postpartum!

Then we can emerge as the mother self!

Deeply in love with our child, our family, our community, and ourselves ~ because we are supported, and our inner foundation is strong!


I plan to do this series next year, when I can be away from my baby boy. He is 5 months old!! ❤️

The pregnancy and postpartum groups will be held in a RED TENT… utilizing ritual, ceremony, myth, art, movement and somatic embodiment practices. Bringing care back to the “Traditional” practices of the goddess.

I hope this series can supplement modern doula care ~ as a program that focuses on women’s emotional, spiritual and psychological health ~ during the child bearing year.

Categories: BirthMotherhood


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