SHE who triggers them ALL!

It’s a tribute to the rapid pace of all of our awakening that more people aren’t triggered by my writings.

On my birthday last summer,
Graell Corsini , Priestess at the Goddess Temple of Ashland honored me with a ceremony with close friends chanting,

“Aurora. She who triggers them all. Priestess of the Dark Goddess. She who brings forth our Liberation.”

She was referring to a recent experience,
where my ability to bring large groups of people together to get naked in ritual.
Dance under the moon.
Give our blood and seed to the Earth.
Embody our sensuality and praise our sexuality.

Made women feel unsafe.
They said it was impure.

O. And I curse.

My response to these women was getting fully disrobed.
Holding my breasts then opening my cunt to the earth.
Bending my knees and pretending to bleed~
As if I was saying “I’ll put your fears right in your face so you can grow!”

You had to be there….

In my mind I was protecting the sacredness of the Goddess.
And not allowing her to be infused with new age spirituality that disconnects her from HER truth:


Body is sacred.
Sex is sacred.
Blood is sacred.
Seed is sacred.
Birth is sacred.
Darkness is sacred.
Relationships are sacred.
Emotional expression is sacred.
Aging is sacred.
The BODY is sacred! It is meant to be celebrated.

On Graell’s birthday, she invited the community to adore her as Queen.

When she saw me, she reached deep into her cunt and found a jewel of blood.
She anointed me on my forehead before the community & she kissed me.

From that moment on I told myself,
I’m not bridging my behavior to keep people safe.
We are here for rapid evolution.

Let the people learn and grow.

Let the people experience what the Dark Goddess is.

I love you!


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