Dearest wise and wild women,

You are invited to a private Samhain / Halloween circle.

We’ll meet in a “red tent” and work with the veils being thin.
Share intentions and support each other to do the magick desired.

…. 👻 🧛‍♀️

The agenda is a loose agenda.

I’ll set container, but beyond that~
this will be a “living ceremony.” Something that we co-create together in the moment.

My hope is that when like minded witches come together, the magick unveils itself.

~~ 🎃

I will have Samhain related discussion prompts by my side.

Samhain & Halloween is the time of year when we honor the dark and the invisible.

So this circle,
you are invited show us the parts of you that you usually hide.

Samhain is also when we *begin* to shed what no longer serves us, as we reflect on the past year.

Lastly, we will share about loved ones who have passed. And honor them.

~~~ 🧚🏻‍♀️ 🔥

What to Bring~
* Altar objects relevant to this holy day. Or sacred to you.

* photos of family members who have passed. Or flowers to honor them.

* Delicious food to share. Or at least food for you! We will circle through lunch.

What to Wear! 👿

Wear a costume! It’s a way to celebrate the spirits’ visit.
Or something “witchy” that you never get to wear.

If you don’t have a costume, bring a sarong to change into to symbolize shedding what no longer serves you.

Date and time:
Sunday October 30th at 12pm – 3:30pm ish

We will set up the Red Tent space and the altar together!

How to get to our house:
15249 Haleakala Hwy Kula, HI will get you to out mailboxes.

Click this link for detailed directions.

I’m Excited that you are coming to circle! ⭕️ 🧙‍♀️ 🔥

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