I am “DIRTY” in a society that tells me
that being clean is GOOD,
Being happy all the time is GOOD,
making MORE money is GOOD,
Structure is GOOD,
Being a Mother is GOOD,
Virginity is GOOD….

grinding my yoni against the rocks and feeling the water cascade down my chest.
The moon glowing upon me.

I am one with the animals, the elements, the fairy creatures, the dark moon dwellers.

I am a dirty girl mixing the mud with my hair to make dreadlocks,
sweeping the red dirt across my face, down my ribs and breasts.

I am a dirty girl dancing naked under moon light.
Honoring the place where my menstrual blood drips…
Just as wild animals are born to do.

I am a dirty girl because I touch myself for the pure joy of touching myself.

I recognize my belly as it bulges out,
I honor my womb for its ability to create life.

Because I am primal.
Because I am ALIVE.
I am Nature.

Categories: BlogsWild Women


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