When we became a family, we had a dream that we would find friends ready to gather and celebrate the beauty in this time. 

We imagined friends co-creating holidays, 
and sharing the lessons of the season with our children.

We imagined husbands and wives connecting for relationship support, through the mirrors of like minded parents.

We imagined regular potlucks and dinner dates, where we’d cook together and lovingly share a meal.

We imagined creating connections that support each other when we are sick, 

and we’ll always show up for birthday parties!

Furthermore, we imagined sharing our art and our gifts with other families. Sharing our Magick. 


We didn’t anticipate was how hard the first years of parenting would be.
Or, how lonely we would feel when we were the only ones inviting friends to dinner.

With time we realized that if I’d like people gather, then we’d have to create workshops. 
Because that’s what people know these days.

Our concern is how to keep the sweetness, soul and purity of a community~ 
when presenting a workshop. 

In our minds workshops have a masculine edge to them. 
And often have a feeling of separation compared to feminine community ideals. 

So! We’re not hosting workshops. We’re hosting experiences. 

And at these experiences, we will embody how we feel Family life can be.
Using a little Magick. Much Creativity. And always sharing our Truth at :

* Holiday Dinners
* Activities for the Children
* Experiences for Couples
* and Places for Adults Explore themselves

All of this is important in the Family Phase of life. 

May we learn to balance it all!
The best that we can.

And may the content we create on this platform overflow onto whoever desires the same things as us.

Aurora, Adam, and Atreyu

Categories: Uncategorized


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