** The Mother- Whore **

And there she was, dancing.
Her voluptuous body bouncing!

To me,
each one of her curves looked like rolling hills,
her breasts were like mountains & the folds in her skin, caves.

She was laughing!
And she swayed her naked body~
To show everyone that she is in love with her own physicality.

She has no shame for her sensuality.

Of course she’s a whore.
If you mean holy and whole and in devotion to pleasure~
as her birthright.

She must also be a mother.
I mean,
how can someone be so connected to creation,
and not want to create life?

She has those birthing hips.
It must be amazing to witness GAIA give birth.

She tells me that this type of vibrancy comes from a lifetime of trials.
They have made her so deep.

And as she dances,
I glance at her feet to see if there are roots.

“Mother” ~
My heart calls out to her.
I’m so glad you are here.

Categories: BlogsWild Women


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