I can hear the Goddess Isis CRYING.
The truth is, she can’t put Osiris back together.

But she wants to.
She wants to wrap him with her golden wings and say her magickal prayers.

That’s how they say she resurrected him.

But the myths were written down wrong.

She did not refashion his Lingam from wax.
Because his shaft is his own,
This is HIS quest and it is hard won.

Osiris’ brother Set murdered him,
but Osiris did not die.
He was only lost. His ego shattered.

Isis did do something in that moment.

She spoke to Osiris in the invisible realms.
She sent him courage and reminded him of his strength.

Then Osiris found the missing pieces of his own body. He sewed back together the fractured parts of his soul.

The one magickal thing that Isis did for Osiris ~
was kiss the last missing piece.
His shaft.
She blessed it.

And then Osiris ROSE


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