How To Date A Goddess WOMBman ☥◯☥

Dear men,
There are many types of women.

The “Goddess WOMBman” is one of the most empowered women in the world.

If you are a MAN ~ interested in dating a goddess,
be fair warned, she is Kali- Aphrodite.

As Aphrodite the goddess of love she will envelope you with kisses and juicy sexual practices.
She will glow and you will be in awe of her glow.

But, because she is Aphrodite, her love will span beyond you.
If she wants to be sexual with a man, this is her prerogative.
She cannot be contained by any man–
her “containment” is only found in her deep devotion to her guides’ voices and her connection to spirit.

Her Kali is cutting through your illusion of what a woman “should” be.
A goddess is never “your” woman,
but this goddess will bow down at your feet if you display to her you ARE the sacred masculine.

Kali takes you on a journey to discover your own sacred masculine potential.
When goddess Kali shows you her dark moon, hold space for her.
She will challenge you to become Jesus, Krishna, Buddha, Shiva…

She will cut away your beliefs that “This is how women are” in regards to the old paradigm.

All a goddess knows is love without abandon.
She believes in living by emotional nurturance and pleasure.

To date a Goddess, you must support her independence and honor her expression.

To be clear, if you’d like to be with a goddess, you must be GOD.


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