Welcome WEIRDOS!!!

This is your safe space to TEST YOUR LIMITS, Share your shadows,
UNLEASH your unique ESSENCE, Be WiLD, be Free, be CraZy, be ImPulsIve! LOsE YoUR SHitttttt!!!

You see… everyone is doing personal development.
But not enough people are doing WEIRDNESS Development.

Personal development is only HALF the coin!
The other half is honoring the messy, creative, deep, complex, uninhibited aspects in us NOW!

Get out of your box and into your FLOW! Access your true creative essence.

When we develop our weirdness,
allowing ourselves to UNLEASH THE BEAST inside, we naturally evolve.

When we no longer filter ourselves to seek approval, to fit in,
to be seen as “normal,” we pave the way for our TRUE BRILLIANCE to SHINE!

It is time to come out of hiding!
The way to truly be successful and happy in this world is to FULLY BE YOURSELF.

We believe the way to do that is to EMBRACE THE WEIRDO WITHIN AND LET IT OUT!

How will we do this? You will have to come to find out 🙂
But we can tell you some of the many activities we will explore include:
-Contact Improv (the weird kind)
-Authentic sound exploration
-Spontaneous Movement
-Emotional Inquiry
-Impulse Exploration
-Comedy Improv
-Shadow work

…and much weirder things we cannot name.

This is going to be deep and very, very fun.

This is a  series! We are creating a safe container for this potent transformational exploration of the weird.

We meet …… TBA


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