You are the Goddess

FaeTerra Oracle Deck Oracle Card: You are the Goddess. It’s time to believe in yourself. “You’re an extinct model.” “What do you mean?” “Women like you don’t exist anymore. “In ancient times there were Oracles who guided the community by …

You are in Love ☥

This is a card from FaeTerra Oracle Deck. Meaning: You are in Love! Description Below: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ If you listen closely, everything is making LOVE ☥ The birds and the bees, the flowers and the trees. During SEX people merge in …

You are Nature

MEANING:When you pull this card, Go Outside! ReWILD yourself You’ve listened to how society wants you to be,and you’ve tried to act accordingly, but that’s not how your body is designed! Our bodies are wild.We have curves, and unruly sexual …

Sexual Flow

As I sit in bed I am contemplating my life. Where am I? Who am I? What led me here? But nothing is coming. Do I need to be amongst the trees and the birds and the bees? I can’t …

Primal is Sexy

She isn’t a traditionally pretty girl. She shaves her head-And leaves mud caked beneath her nails.But her body image never bothers her. There is something truly sexy about her. Sex, as it relates to primal nature.As in, the wild freedom …

We Wake the Dead

“Mountains moveAnd Rivers part To make way for this Womanwho speaks from her Heart” Some of us come into this worldwithout a filter. We are Born Blown Open. And although the world never gave us a reasonto feel safe to be …

Remember to Rest between Contractions

Life is like giving birth.Remember to rest between the contractions of your growth path. With every moon, Let it illuminate your shadows Drop into itand Swivel your hips and moan and breathe So that you can surrender into the expansion …

What If I Just am the LIGHT?

What if I said,That every child is my child.And every man is a reflection of GOD.? What if I told you that I am whole.That my Belly is powerful.That my Heart has wisdom.That my Desire has meaning? What if I …

Spider Kali!

I had a dream last night that Kali was dancing with her many arms, spinning her web like a Spider.🕸️ I’ve never linked Spider Medicine with Goddess Kali’s mysteries.But! They seem to go hand in hand. Like the spider, Kali …

Red Blood on White Sheets

I woke up with my period. Red Blood on White Sheets, Is a symbol for my life recently…. I married my husband to merge in our union. I am the RED blood. He is the WHITE sheets. “White” represents his …

Diana speaks about Relationship

Goddess Diana (Artemis) speaks: “It has taken me 1,000s of years to find a beloved who honors my primal sexuality.My belly wisdom. My emotional expression that reflects the waxing and waning of the moon. I will not forsake my sovereignty …

Food and the Shaman

I worked at anEating Disorder Residential Treatment Center,& I wanted to tell the women that they aren’t broken. The reason they hurt so much inside, is because the world hurts so much outside. When they self harm,they are doing so because …

Don’t be Pretty. Be Inspiring

Don’t be pretty.Be inspiring. When you walk outside,show them your bare face and know that this is how the Goddess made you. So you are perfect. Let your heart shine your truthand walk with presence. Connect with the Earthand Root with …

Show Them Who You Are

My daughter remember, Every time you feel ashamed of your body Know that the seed of creation lives within you. Your womb reflects the waxing and waning of the moon. Your breasts shine the brightness of your heart like the …

Marriage is Transformation

LISTEN TO THE PODCAST!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The myths speak about marriage as the union of opposites.ALCHEMY! In paganism,women are connected to the moon,And men are connected to the sun. Women bleed according to the moon’s rhythms.And because women cycle so often ~the sun …

I Remember Wholeness

TodayI’m going to walk on the grass and feel the energy currents in natureto remember that LIFE itself sustains me TonightI’m going to dance naked under the moon light.My breasts exposed to the night’s glow, and know it is my …

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