I PLAY with my Emotions

My child has explosive emotions. He entered this world screaming… and didn’t stop for years. He’s hypersensitive. One “wrong move” and he’s slamming the door in my face, or self-inflicting pain, or moving into a Read more…

Flowing Relationships

Navigating the intricate tapestry of relationships, we realize that no single person can fulfill every role we seek. Each connection, whether fleeting or profound, adds a unique thread to our life’s fabric, enriching our journey. Read more…


I am love, an unconfined, dynamic energy that weaves through every connection, embracing the infinite possibilities of human relationships. ~ Love When I reflect on the different types of love I’ve experienced and witnessed, it Read more…

The Wise Old Chameleon

An old chameleon looks up at a bush.He decides to climb it. As he climbs the bush he meets a caterpillarThe caterpillar is SCARED!He is supposed to become a butterfly,but to become a butterfly he Read more…

Alone in the Abyss

In the abyss of solitude, I found myself enveloped by the darkness of despair, suffocating beneath the weight of abandonment. Yet, amidst the echoes of loneliness, I discovered a resilience born from the depths of Read more…

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